Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Chronic Poverty and Disability

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According to WHO estimation, approx 10% of population is disabled, and a higher proportion of those living in chronic poverty. These numbers go up for the developing countries and underdeveloped countries than the developed countries. Disabled are disproportionately amongst the poorest.

Disability is considered as stigma to society as well as family. People considered disability as something of past bad deed. A child with disability most likely is excluded from family, education and later from society. They learn less and are less informed about the rights and policies. Lack of knowledge, education, awareness, opportunity and due to discrimination and poor self esteem, they have less chances to sustain.

Every country has developmental plans like universalisation of primary education, gender and economical equality and stability. But, it is not possible without inclusion and acknowledging the disabled needs. Various barriers like attitudinal and environmental results in social exclusion and marginalisation.

There has recently been a shift by some NGO’s, philanthropist and even Government towards considering the issues of disability right. Disabled and society is not aware of rights. There is poor distribution of resources and information among disabled. Other important point is that, rarely disabled could able to reach to power and can influence the policies and laws.

Government, developmental agencies and various others NGOs have tried and created expensive programe for disabled for main streaming, but this is not one or two hands job. It needs every citizen support and acknowledgment, change of attitudinal and communication barrier which results in exclusion and marginalization. Empowering disabled, acceptance and inclusion to society not only reduce the chronic poverty but also assist for global development.